SimActive Releases Correlator3D V2.0

SimActive Releases Correlator3D V2.0

SimActive Inc., is pleased to announce the release of Version 2.0 for Correlator3D™.  The software now supports Leica ADS40 data and features significant improvements, including a new architecture leading to enhanced performance.

“This new version further reinforces our position as a leader in DSM generation”, said Louis Simard, Chief Technology Officer at SimActive.  “Our rapidly growing customer base will greatly profit from the enhancements of this release.  Correlator3D™ clearly remains the fastest and easiest photogrammetry tool currently on the market.”

This new version further reinforces our position as a leader in DSM generation.

Designed for speed and ease of use, Correlator3D™ consists of fully automated software tools for the production of digital surface models (DSM) and digital terrain models (DTM), the creation of orthophotos and the detection of 3D changes. Correlator3D™ is significantly simpler and faster than currently available tools. Highly trained personnel are no longer mandatory.