SimActive Software Integrated by Balko Tech in Modular Lidar Systems

SimActive announces the use of its Correlator3D product to complement Balko Tech’s modular lidar mapping systems.
Balko Tech has created a unique solution to lidar mapping with modular “hot-swappable” components, allowing to tailor the system to mapping needs. Cameras are often included as they bring color information to complement 3D measurements. In such cases, the lidar point cloud can be imported into Correlator3D and colorized, and an orthomosaic can be generated as well.
“In partnership with SimActive, Correlator3D provides powerful image processing and lidar point cloud colorization tools for our users”
“We really offer our customers the option to customize the right mapping solution quickly”, said Maude Pelletier, Maude Pelletier, President and CEO. “In partnership with SimActive, Correlator3D provides powerful image processing and lidar point cloud colorization tools for our users.”
About Balko Technologies
Founded in 2021, Balko Technologies is a manufacturer of unique modular LiDAR systems, the only manufacturer of lidar equipment for drones, entirely made in Canada. Balko, like its product, includes a team with a unique expertise. The management includes employees with 10 to 20 areas of expertise in the field of lidar data capture, geomatics processing, lidar sensor manufacturing and the marketing of high-tech products. The development of the product and software comes from an expertise of more than 7 years of weekly lidar data capture in the field and subsequent processing, which sets us apart from all other manufacturers. For more information, visit