SimActive Software Used for Forestry in Southeast Asia

SimActive Inc., is pleased to announce that Correlator3D™ is being used for forestry projects in Southeast Asia by PT Credent Teknologi. SimActive’s software is employed to perform aerial triangulation for seamless orthomosaic production using medium format digital cameras.
“The processing speed of Correlator3D™ is exceptional and the results are above client expectations”, said Lee Hon Chuan, representative of PT Credent Teknologi. “These kinds of results are especially impressive considering the typical tropical forest cover and collection from a medium format digital camera.”
These kinds of results are especially impressive considering the typical tropical forest cover and collection from a medium format digital camera.
“SimActive’s use of the GPU for accelerating aerial triangulation is yet another first, making it the fastest in the industry,” said Louis Simard, Chief Technology Officer of SimActive. “Our software is perfectly suited for forestry projects. This is only one of many potential applications of Correlator3D™ for non-metric cameras.”
About Credent
Established since 1997, PT Credent Teknologi serves government and private enterprise clients in a range of geospatial industries in Indonesia. PT Credent Teknologi offers both LiDAR and aerial photo collection services for natural resource mapping, cadastral mapping, civil engineering, utility planning and asset mapping, urban mapping, mining, forestry and urban visualization. For more information, visit