SimActive Software Used for Gold Mine Mapping

SimActive announces that Correlator3D™ is being used for gold mining projects in Ivory Coast by Newcrest Mining Limited. SimActive software is employed to produce dense digital terrain models (DTMs) using small format digital cameras.
SimActive software and small format digital images make an ideal combination
Newcrest Mining also extracts high-quality contours lines from the DTMs with Correlator3D™. The accuracy of the outputs allows for precise volume calculation and leads to efficient maps for the blasting teams.
“SimActive software and small format digital images make an ideal combination”, said Francois Gervaix, Technical Advisor at SimActive. “Due to the precise GNSS geotagging and the optimized aerial triangulation, the expected accuracy at checkpoints is consistently measured. Our software is perfectly suited for mining projects, small or large ones. This is only one of many potential applications of Correlator3D™ for non-metric cameras.”
About Newcrest Mining Limited
Newcrest Mining Limited is an Australian-based corporation which engages in the exploration, development, mining and sale of gold and gold-copper concentrate. It is Australia's leading gold mining company and its operations expand beyond Australia, such as in Indonesia and Ivory Coast. For more information, visit